Many people are looking for ways to make a little bit of extra cash. For those who have a broken down junk car, you don’t often think you can get money for it because you think they have no worth. However, broken down junk cars can put cash in your pocket. With cash for junk cars programs, you can sell your junk car and earn some extra cash. However, in order to sell the vehicle you will need the vehicle’s title. Providing a title is often a major problem for many people. Some vehicles have been sitting around for decades and locating a junk car’s title can be impossible. In some cases, the title may have been stolen, lost or damaged. If you are not able to provide the title you will need to acquire a new one or get a duplicate title. Smithy Cash for Cars will share how you can get a duplicate title so you can sell your junk car.
How Do I Get a Duplicate Car Title in Minnesota?
In the state of Minnesota there are two ways you can get a duplicate title. Essentially you can do it in person or by mail. When a duplicate title is needed, the owner of the vehicle or the person with their name on the title must be the one acquiring the duplicate. With that being said, you will need to fill out the application. For a duplicate title, you will need to fill out Form PS2067A or the Application for Duplicate Title, Registration, or Lien Card.
How Much is a Duplicate Title in Minnesota?
When filling out this form you will need to have you driver’s license or your driver license number and signature. You will need to fill out all of the vehicle’s needed information such as make, model, year, color, and license plate number. If you are applying in person, you will need to go to your local Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) location. Be expected to pay a fee for the duplicate title which is $8.25 along with a $10.00 admin fee.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Lost Title in the Mail?
Many DVS locations are by appointment only or may be closed due to COVID-19. If this is the case you can still fill out your application and send by mail. You will need to print out the same Form PS2067A. You will need to also mail in the fee or payment as well. Again, mail it to your local DVS locations. By mail is much slower and can take a few weeks for the application to be processed. If you are lucky, it may be done the next business day after it is received. They will mail you your duplicate title which you can then provide to the cash for junk cars dealer. If you do not have your title, make sure if you decide to sell your vehicle, that the dealer knows and often they will put your vehicle on hold until the title arrives. Once you have the title you can contact the dealer and proceed with the sale. Once you have the title you will need to sign over ownership of the vehicle. Again, make sure the vehicle owner signs off on the title to ensure the sale goes through.
Cash for Junk Cars in North St. Paul, St. Anthony, Golden Valley, St. Louis Park, Edina, Richfield, Robbinsdale, Columbia Heights, Arden Hills, Mendota Heights, West Saint Paul, Little Canada & Roseville MN | Twin Cities of Minneapolis & St Paul, Minnesota
If you want to sell a junk car for cash, contact Smithy Cash for Cars and request an offer today!